Visions Student Interviewed by StoryCorps
The Visions In Education Find Your Voice Writing program continues to produce valuable experiences for our students beyond the classroom. Ryan Hall, a student from the Beginning and Advanced Find Your Voice classes was recently interviewed on StoryCorps about her experience becoming a published author. StoryCorps is an organization which strives to provide people across America with the opportunity to record and preserve their life stories. StoryCorps recently visited Sacramento in late September. Ryan was interviewed with the Executive Director of 916 Ink, Katie McCleary. 916 Ink collaborates with Visions for each of our Find Your Voice Classes and publishes student writing from those courses in beautiful books. In her interview, Ryan discusses how the Find Your Voice class shaped her as a writer and a published author. Ryan and Katie’s interview will be catalogued in the Library of Congress.
See below for an excerpt of Ryan Hall’s StoryCorps interview.