Visions University Prep Student Shares Ambitions And Skills On Telemundo

Visions In Education University Prep student Malcolm S.M. was recently invited to speak on Telemundo about his impressive gymnastics and music abilities.

Malcolm, previously mentioned in his sister’s Telemundo interview, dives deeper into the strong family environment that supports both his and Osamirho’s achievements

The 14-year-old currently plays three instruments; the drums, piano, and guitar. Due to his flexible learning schedule, Malcolm finds time to exercise his musical talents while also working towards his dream of becoming a United States Olympic gymnast.

For Malcolm, these ambitions become possible thanks to his family’s support.

Malcolm credits his success to his strong family bonds that support his learning and by being exposed to music and sports at an early age.

“Sometimes when I was little I would hear them [my parents] playing instruments like the congos from their homeland and that helped me to understand music better,” Malcolm said. “This motivated me to make music of my own.”

Outside of his family’s native-Cuban music, he enjoys listening to multiple genres ranging from reggae to rock – his favorite musicians being Bob Marley and Michael Jackson.

For Malcolm, he finds similarities in how he tackles his two different disciplines in similar fashions – with passion and dedication.

“When I go train, it is similar to music in that you have to have a strong dedication and passion for what you are doing,” Malcolm said. “I’m mostly dedicated to gymnastics because I have been doing it since I was young, about 4 and a half years old.”

With 10 years of experience, practice meets preparation for Malcolm.

Malcolm’s Message

As Malcolm continues to work toward his aspirations on the gym mat and behind the strings and keys, he also works hard in his academics to one day reach his dream job of becoming a Paleontologist to learn more about prehistoric earth.

Malcolm gives gratitude to his parents, “My parents have done so much for me, they’ve supported me and inspired me. That’s why I want to say that, all the love I see in them makes it all worth it.”