Visions Starts Our 25th Year Serving 7,459 Students!

Our 25th year is off to a great start and we are serving more students than ever before! A total of 7,459 students began their first day with Visions this Tuesday, 500+ more students than began with us last year! Additionally, we have 400+ students currently waiting for a spot to open up in one of our programs.

Visions First Day of School Enrollment Numbers Since Becoming an Independent Charter School (by academy).

Careful, Measured Growth

Visions has taken a careful approach to growth over the years, ensuring that we can serve the students we have to the best of our ability before opening more spots. Since 2021, Visions has invested in socialization opportunities for all ages, mental health resources for students, and instructional & operational support that has paid off as more students than ever seek out our school and fewer students choose to leave.

This milestone is a testament to the quality of service that our dedicated staff and teachers provide and the trust our families put in our services. On behalf of everyone at Visions, thank you all for helping us achieve this historic milestone for our school! We hope to continue to deliver outstanding service to our current families and carefully grow over time as we have the capacity.