Teachers Come Together To Provide Math Support
For many schools, the transition to full distance learning was a big adjustment. Luckily, at Visions, we were equipped to face this challenge and our teachers rose to the occasion by creating new ways to interact and engage with students virtually.
Virtual Math Webinars
A group of Independent Study teachers realized that many high school students struggle with math. Direct instruction is known to help students improve their skills by allowing them to work together and ask questions in real-time. So this group of teachers came together to create webinars that provide different levels of support for various math classes.
During each webinar students are provided direct instruction using a variety of tools including doc cams, digital whiteboards, graphing boards, online graphing/scientific calculators and online protractor extensions. Work is done in groups, the webinar is recorded for future reference and office hours are available for students to ask additional questions.
Measuring Success
Student participation in the webinars exceeded expectations. Initial data shows a connection between higher webinar attendance and improved grades. Most importantly, the students are engaged and feel they’re receiving the extra support they need. Here’s what a few of them had to say:
“I like how in-depth Mrs. Fischer goes into the lessons. It really helps me understand the material. And I also like the recording of the class so I can go back if I’m stuck on anything.” – Elayasi, Grade 10
“It helps me understand what I’m going to be learning for the week and helps me get my work started.” – Joseph, Grade 10
“They explain how to do the problems in a way I can understand.” – Emmanuel, Grade 9
Dedicated Teachers + Motivated Students = Success
Who: Kudos to Amy Salvatori, Christina Fischer, Heather Bentley, Miguel Garcia, Adam Myers, Sara Branch, John Morris, Brandon Kim and Kim Bonds. Thanks to Principal Aaron Colburn and Vice Principal Elisavet Barajas for supporting this initiative.
What: Separate webinars for high school math classes including – Integrated Math 1A, Integrated Math 1B, Integrated Math 2A, Math Foundations A and Math Foundations B.
Where: Zoom
When: Every Monday at 1 p.m.