Classified School Employee Week is May 19-25

May 19-25 is Classified School Employee Week, a time to recognize and celebrate all of the important work that our classified office staff does to serve our students and families. From fulfilling curriculum orders, to setting up events, to sharing all the best things happening here at Visions, our classified staff members are essential to keeping our school running!

To honor our classified staff this year, we sent a message to all staff, managers, and teachers asking them to shout-out members of our classified staff who have truly made an impact here at Visions. Whether it be completing a big project, going the extra mile, or simply showing up every day with a smile, close to 50 of our staff had something to say about a colleague who makes Visions a better place to be!

Thank you again to each and every one of our classified staff members – you are respected partners in our education community, and we couldn’t to do this without you. Happy Classified School Employee Week!