Entries by Ben Drahmann

Classified & Credentialed Staff Appreciation Week 2022

May 15-21 is Classified and Credentialed Staff Appreciation Week, a time to recognize the staff and teachers that support each other and our families every day. Visions In Education serves thousands of students in nine different counties, and our great work wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for the support of our office staff, counselors, […]

National Charter Schools Week 2022

A Message from Visions Superintendent/Executive Director Dr. Steve Olmos It’s National Charter Schools Week, and I am grateful to be celebrating for the first time as a part of this incredible community of charter school educators and families. I find myself reflecting on the journey that led me here and the tireless work that has […]

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

May is recognized as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, a time to celebrate the diverse cultures of the Asian continent (including East, Southeast, and South Asia), the culture of Native Hawaiian peoples, and the cultures of the Pacific Islands of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. This is also a time to recognize the accomplishments […]

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to recognize the effects of mental illness, fight the stigma that surrounds mental health, and promote strategies to ensure good mental health. While millions of Americans struggle with mental illness, mental health and wellness should be taken seriously by everyone. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) sponsors […]

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week 2022!

May 2-6 is Teacher Appreciation week, a time to recognize the educators that make an impact in the lives of students every single day. Teachers are the foundation of a strong school and Visions In Education has thrived because of outstanding teachers for more than twenty years.  Paying It Forward Nobody knows the impact of […]

Teacher Spotlight: Visions Teacher Plants for the Future

John Morris is always on the lookout for ways to make the Sacramento area a little greener. A teacher with more than thirteen years of experience, the growing impact of climate change prompted him to look for ways to make a difference. “I had become increasingly aware of global warming and its effects,” says John. […]

April is National Volunteer Month!

April is National Volunteer Month; a time to celebrate volunteers and encourage volunteering. Volunteering is a great opportunity to get involved in your community, meet new people, and make a difference. Get Involved! Love animals? Enjoy working with computers? Finding the right volunteering opportunity is key to making volunteering a habit you can do all […]

April is Autism Acceptance Month!

April is recognized as Autism Acceptance Month (formerly known as Autism Awareness Month), a month dedicated to recognizing and advocating for those with autism. Starting in 1972 with a National Autism Awareness Week, the Autism Society of America has since expanded this event, dedicating the month of April to raising awareness of the symptoms of autism and […]

Visions In Education Collaborates with the CASBO

As California’s legislative climate continues to change, Visions In Education’s team of dedicated professionals works hard to ensure that our school continues to serve our students in effective ways. At the recent California Association of School Business Officials (CASBO) conference, Visions presented to an audience of school leaders from around the state. A proud member […]